Stone Unfiltered IPA
Country- USA
State- California
Brand- Stone Brewing Company
Type- IPA
Average Beer Rating- 3
Stone Unfiltered IPA is a double IPA that has a hazy appearance with peach and tropical fruit hop aromas. The ABV for this IPA is 9.4%.
Glass to Use:
IPA beers are best served in a 16oz. pint glass.
About the Brewery
In 1996, Steve Wagner and Greg Koch founded the Stone Brewing Company in San Marcos, California. Nine years later the pair would relocate their brewery to Escondido. Currently the brewery operates on the west coast, but also has a brewery in Richmond, Virginia on the east coast. Stone Brewing has seen dynamic growth as they operate a number of taprooms and restaurants, their beers are available in all 50-states as well as 40+ countries worldwide!
Beer Reviews:
Tobin’s Review 3 out of 5
Stone Unfiltered IPA has a murky golden hue with no head and a super hoppy nose. The beer is soft at first, and then bursts into a hops party in the mouth. It fluctuates between sweet and bitter and then ends with a dry finish. The beer is well constructed, but not really my style of beer.
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